Who do you
coexist with?
Coexistence comes with a set of challenges, and it's time to re-think, modify, unlearn existing notions of conservation to shape new narratives!
Photograph non-human species that are found in Bengaluru all through this month! Especially on the nature walks we have curated for you and in the parks with our elephants watching over you.
Fortnightly prizes for the maximum number of uploads!

There is an urgent need to think of coexistence as a shared earth, on gradient of wild to urban to balance the needs of people and nature along the entire spectrum. This paradigm pushes us towards conservation through connection, where we don’t isolate ourselves from nature but rather see that we are a part of it.
The Lantana elephants are a unique mix of art, heritage, livelihoods - they're made from the invasive weed Lantana camara, by skilled indigenous artists. With this, they play a pivotal role in removing a harmful weed from the forest while also providing livelihood with this, they epitomize coexistence!

Who Makes The Elephants?
At The Real Elephant Collective (TREC) a 150-strong team of Adivasi makers hail from villages around Mudumalai & MMHills makes these giants with great skill and ingenuity! Out of the invasive Lantana camera.
In turn, these replica sculputures of actual elephant individuals aid our goal for a paradigm shift to move towards a diverse and pluralistic coexistence. How?
By migrating across the world to create awareness and fundraising for coexistence and livelihoods for their creators (the Adivasi artisans at TREC)